Although you're gone, I know you're
still here beside me, night after night protecting me, loving me, sharing all that you have to share.

I ask nothing from you, I just loved you with all I had in me to love with, it was real, it was true.
A promise from you of forever, with me,
I knew it could end up being all we would ever find.  Yet I still loved you for the man you were, the man you were becoming.

The times we spent together were and forever will remain, a cherished memory
so deep within a part of me, that it is
like a candle burning so brightly with
love, yet on other nights, it's blown out
by the nonexistence of your touch.
Two people brought together by a chat,
seemingly by fate, together forever, through a bond of love.  The nights we stayed up later than any other, sharing our feelings, our fears, our love, our hearts and our souls, were like a never ending ocean on a moon lit night.
Such beauty in your eyes, in your touch, such longing you created in me.

I'm a lost soul now, searching the world over, and nothing to see.   My life began with you, and it ended with you.
Forever you have my soul.
Some days I long to have it back, protected and safe, where it belongs.
But if ever I had my soul back, I would never have known the greatest love of my life. "You"
As I sit sometimes and reflect of our time together, a tear begins to roll down my face, as I gently brush it away I am taken to a place of you, the one true love of my life.  I've made so many mistakes in my life, but with you I always knew it was a mistake.. I know this through and from the love I felt so deep inside for you.

To love so freely, so deeply and so
pure, must be a mistake, but it was a mistake I never have a single regret for making.
Where ever you are I shall be, where ever I am you shall be.
Forever you shall have my soul, and forever I am blessed to have given it to the one true love of my life.

If all I ever find in this life is the true love of my life, then I will be forever blessed.