No matter the change, no matter the pain, for one to love so completely is reality in the soul. " LOVE " How could anyone ever know the complication it can bring?
Hold me tight, let me know it'll be alright...I wish I could hold you, wish you were here, wish you could see my face, wish you were near, ...Would you allow me to hold you so tight that no harm would ever come to you? Would you allow me to freely give all that there is in life to you? Would you allow me to show you that you're never alone? Would you allow me to reach across a table while sharing a nice dinner and touch your hand just to say, " I care "? Would you allow me to carry you if you were too weak to walk? |

Do you feel the same loneliness I feel every moment of my life without you here?
I never thought of the "losing" you in all of this. I never thought it would hurt this much. I never considered such pain in my life. I never realized until you, there was this much pain in life. I never realized another soul could cry so hard or so long. |
People in this life always say to another " No one will love you as I love you" This is true for how I feel for you, but in my soul, " No one will ever love me the way you loved me," No matter how far I travel in my life, in my heart, or in my soul, no one will ever reach me as you have. No one will ever see into the "me" as you have. |
You are, as you will always be, my life line, my soul, my heart, and my only truth. I started working on this area of my site a month or so ago from the pressure of the "you" that was building in my head, and all of a sudden, it has taken on such a life of its very own. It's as if I can no longer control what I say, how I say, or how many thoughts now cascade throughout my soul for you. |
You found me at a time I was so scared. You showed me it was ok to open up and trust a man again, to allow him inside my heart. And then without any warning, you showed me it was ok to love you, not to fear the "losing" you in all of this. You allowed me to freely give to you all that I ever dreamed of from loving a man. You allowed me to give completely without reservation. |
Now you're gone, and I find myself, my heart, and my soul, back where it was. Scared and "hiding" all that I truly feared most of my life. I pray daily that you will come back, yet I pray " Please God, keep me safe from him, from his heart, his love, and his arms" |